
Wednesday, March 20, 2019

The New York Crystal Palace :: Architecture History

An Ode for the Inauguration of the American crystallizing Palace The nations disturb, not in war, but in peace, beneath this dome. They meet to bring glory to God on high and goodwill to men. The watch glass Palace is a symbol of the might of Man. Look on, ye Nations, and vow imperishable peace and justice. -William R. Wallace (New York Times, July 14, 1853) When the first major(ip) international exhibition of arts and industries was held in London in 1851, the London Crystal Palace epitomized the achievements of the entire founding at a time when progress was racing forward at a speed never before known to mankind. The Great parade marked the beginning of a tradition of worlds fairs, which would be held in major cities all across the globe. Following the success of the London fair, it was inevitable that different nations would soon try their hand at organizing their own exhibitions. In fact, the succeeding(a) international fair was held only two years later, in 1853 , in New York City. This fair would have its own Crystal Palace to make up not only the achievements of the world, but also the nationalistic pride of a relatively young nation and all that she stood for. Walt Whitman, the great American poet, wrote in The Song of the Exposition ... a Palace, Lofter, fairer, ampler than any yet, Earths modern wonder, Historys Seven push through stripping, High rising tier on tier, with glass and iron facades, Gladdening the sunshine and sky - enhued in the cheerfulest hues, Bronze, lilac, robins-egg, marine and crimson Over whose golden roof shall flaunt, beneath thy banner, Freedom. The plan for an American Crystal Palace originated with Edward Riddle, a capital of Massachusetts auctioneer and carriage-maker. He assembled a free radical of New York bankers who had either visited or heard marvelous stories about the London exhibition and were more than uncoerced to invest in a similar project in the unify States. Riddle tr ied but failed to interest the famed entrepreneur, P.T. Barnum, in the project. The group of investors soon petitioned the Board of Aldermen in New York City for use of capital of Wisconsin Square, located in lower Manhattan where Broadway and Fifth Avenue meet at 23rd Street, to build a house of iron and steel for an industrial Exhibition.

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