
Thursday, March 21, 2019

Clinton Administrations Proposal To Increase Taxes For Multinational Co

My topic is the increase if the taxes which Clinton Administration isplanning. This increase in taxes will tail end multinational Corporations, endthe favored tax treatment of extra coherent term bonds, It will also raise capitalgains taxes by changing the rules for computing the cost basis of securitieswhen they are sold at a profit. What this will do is increase the taxes for therich and will littleening the difference between the rich and the poor. The plan isintent on mooring the middle class tax and finance higher education (yeah right).The real tax law decreases the Federal Treasury Revenue and makes the thriftless efficient or less competitive.The multinational tax would disallow multinationals to repeat half oftheir goods are foreign even if they are made in the US. Thus they could exportto a country with low taxes and thus invent less taxes. This change would bring anincrease of 7.9 Billion in bodied taxes over the next 5 years.This withdraws a lot of money from t he economy and may thus decrease train for goods, as people pull in less money to spend. The multinationals wouldemploy many people and with and increase in their cost (tax is a type of cost)they would be forced to decrease the add up amount of wages which the theiremployees received. This may take the form of decreased raises, or the layingoff of some people. This would thus decrease aggregate demand for goodsNationally (as Multinationals would employ people in th...

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