
Friday, March 15, 2019

The Dropout Rate In Americas Colleges Essay -- essays research papers

The Dropout Rate in Americas CollegesIn 1992, the dropout tread in Americas colleges was almost twenty-fourpercent Therefore meaning that near superstar out of every five students that headoff to college in the fall, drop out by the first semester. In addition, aboutone out of every three remaining students do not ease up for their second year.This statistic may seem outrageous, however, it is true. Furthermore, a studyhas shown that if the dropout rate continues at its current pace, it will reachthirty percent by the move around of the century. Although the reasons, or excuses,for dropping out are endless, the majority of dropouts can be linked to thefollowing home sickness, environment, and cost.The first cause, home sickness, is not a big problem for most. However,there are many teenagers that have never been out of their state, and in fewinstances, out of their city. For these select few, it is extremely thorny forthem to leave. The first day of college can be the hardest. In particular,registering for classes. So many people are all trying to do the same intimacy atonce. For some, this can be enough to walk to the car and go home. However,most will make it through this part of their new life. ordinarily the one thingthat will really b separate a person, is quick in a small room, with at least oneother person, sometimes two. Often, living with strangers will make a personuncomfortable, and need they were back home. This is when many will...

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